ADR-189: Social Service M2

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A document that compares two possible solutions to stop leveraging Matrix to handle friend requests amongst users. To achieve this, the service will need to not only save the friendship interactions but also have a mechanism to notify online users in real-time of the interactions. The chosen mechanism will be WebSockets.

Context, Reach & Prioritization

Currently, all friendship events are being stored in both Matrix and the Social Service, to avoid this duplication of information this RFC proposes to start handling friendship requests directly on the Social Service and stop storing the information in Matrix. The benefits of this proposal include:

Also, this new approach will need to be able to notify the users in real-time about the new friendship events. A new communication system will be needed to established to connect the client and the server (the technical specification of this system will be explored later).

Solution Space Exploration

There are two main approaches:

WebSocket / Long polling

WebSocket inherently comes with the benefit of establishing a bidirectional connection, enabling more features for the future (i.e. presence). Another big plus of using WebSocket is that the client can leverage protobuf and RPC for communication between the server and the client. On the other hand, WebSocket + RPC implies that the Social server will need to be the first implementation of rpc-rust which is not yet a production-tested product.

Server-Sent Event (SSE)

This solution doesn't require a constant connection between the server and the client and allows the existence of a notification system, it's cheap for the server and the client. The biggest problem with this solution is that there isn't an existing transport in Unity for SSE, and in the future, when presence is implemented, there might need to be a big refactor and a replacement of the technology.


Due to the benefits explained over the SSE solution, WebSocket is the solution that will be further explored in this document.

The new flow for a friendship will be the following:

    participant User 1
    participant User 2
    participant Social Service
    participant Matrix

    User 1 ->> Social Service: Add friend (new friend request)
    Social Service ->>  User 2: New request from user 1
    User 2 ->> Social Service: Accept friendship
    Social Service ->> Matrix: create room
    Social Service -->>+ User 1: New FriendshipId: roomId
    Social Service -->>+ User 2: New FriendshipId: roomId

This new flow implies that rooms in Matrix will not be created until the friendship is established. This does not make the opposite true, if the friendship ends the room won't be destroyed (to prevent the history from being lost).

Now, when a user logs in to Decentraland, the friendship requests will also be obtained from the Social Service instead of the Matrix SDK.

First, the client will need to log in via HTTP. Then, establish a connection with the server. Once correctly established, the server will then send two messages: one with the current friends and another with the pending friend requests.

    participant User 1
    participant Social Service
    participant Matrix

    User 1 ->>+ Social Service: Login
    Social Service ->>+ Matrix: Login
    Matrix -->>- Social Service: bearer token
    Social Service -->>- User 1: bearer token
    User 1 ->>+ Social Service: Connect via WebSocket (token)
    Social Service ->> User 1: Friends
    Social Service ->> User 1: Friend Requests
    loop  Connection messages examples
    User 1 ->> Social Service: Friend event (ACCEPT, DELETE, etc.)
    Social Service -->> User 1: Friend event (ACCEPT, DELETE, etc.)
    User 1 ->> Social Service: Disconnect WebSocket
    Social Service -->>- User 1: Disconnect WebSocket


Unity Renderer changes

Given that Browser Interface is going to be slowly migrated into Unity's codebase, the implementation of this feature will also be done directly on Unity's side. To reduce the dependency on Browser Interface, the code responsible for handling friends and friend requests will be moved to Unity as part of this feature's implementation. However, channels, presence, and messaging will remain on the Browser Interface side for now. Over time, these features will also be migrated to Unity and will be able to take advantage of the new communication system.

To prevent migrating all of the code into Unity Renderer's code and adding a lot of logic, this ADR proposes adding a new C# library to handle the logic around friendships. The logic in Unity Renderer would be adjusted to focus on event orchestration rather than handling all of the logic directly.

An example of a difference between the current implementation and the proposal is the following:


    participant Renderer
    participant Browser Interface
    participant Matrix Client

    Renderer ->>+ Browser Interface: Get friends
    Browser Interface ->> Matrix Client: Get friends
    Matrix Client -->> Browser Interface: friends ids []
    Browser Interface ->> Browser Interface: Calculate missing profiles
    Browser Interface ->> Renderer: Add profiles to catalog(Profiles [])
    Browser Interface -->>- Renderer: Friends []


    participant Renderer
    participant Browser Interface

    Renderer ->>+ C# Social client: Get friends
    C# Social client -->>- Renderer: Friends list
    Renderer ->>+ Browser Interface: Get missing profiles
    Browser Interface -->>- Renderer: Profiles[]
    Renderer ->> Renderer: Store profiles in catalog

In this example, there are two main responsibilities of the flow:

  1. Obtaining the friendships list
  2. Storing the profiles in the catalog (to be able to render those friends)

In the first example, it is the Browser Interface's responsibility to identify which profiles are missing and then send this information to Unity. This makes the Browser Interface the information orchestrator. In the new approach, Unity Renderer would take on this role of information orchestration.

Browser Interface changes

This new structure will also require changes on the Browser Interface side. First, all of the friendship logic will be deleted, except for the necessary state to ensure that channels and messaging code continue to function without any issues. This will involve deleting the interactions with Unity around storing the friendships, friendship requests, and the logic for fetching profile information before sending the friends.

The biggest impact on the Browser Interface side will be in the Friends sagas, in the functions refreshFriends, and handleIncomingFriendshipUpdateStatus, and all the logic for the client configuration will be migrated to the new implementation on the renderer's side.

Risk analysis

Description of risk — Summary description of the risk—easy to understand.

Probability of occurrence — Estimate the probability that this risk will materialize (HIGH-MEDIUM-LOW).

Severity — The intensity of undesirable impact on the project—if the risk materializes (HIGH-MEDIUM-LOW)..

Action — The contingent response if the risk materializes.

Loss Size — Given in hours or days, this is a measure of the negative impact on the project.

Risk Exposure — Given in hours or days, this is a product of probability and loss size.

Priority (optional) — This is either an independent ranking or the product of probability and severity. Typically, a higher-severity risk with high probability has higher relative priority (1-3) 1 being the higher.

Description of risk Probability of occurrence Severity Mitigation Loss Size Risk Exposure Priority
rpc-rust can’t handle the expected load Low High Invest time in developing the framework to make it more performant If this problem gets to prod, users might be impacted by not receiving all expected messages. Or in the worst case, take down the Social Service altogether Medium 1
rpc-rust has internal bugs Medium High Invest time in developing the framework to reduce bugs If this problem gets to prod, users might be impacted by not receiving all expected messages. Or in the worst case, take down the Social Service altogether High 1
Difficulties integrating the new C# library into Unity-renderer Medium (first-time something like this is done) Low Invest more in development time and involvement from the Unity team This has no impact on the user. But can have a big impact on delaying the project Low 2
Unkown internal dependency on Browser-interface around the Friends sagas/selectors Medium/Low High Depending on the type of dependency, this can either imply more migration to C#, or a refactor internally in Browser-interface that can have a big impact in development time This can be mitigated with a good testing plan, to prevent missing an existing use case. Low 2


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